How to write website copy, 12 tips to help make the process as hassle-free as possible

Writing website copy can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not a professional writer. However, with the right approach and guidance, you can create compelling content for your new website. In this blog, we will outline 12 tips to help make the process as hassle-free as possible.

Your designer will send you a content planner:

When working with a web design team like Trident, they will provide you with a content planner. This document will guide you through the content creation process, helping you organise your thoughts and structure your copy effectively.

Consider the design we have created for you when writing your content:

It’s essential to consider the design elements of your website when crafting your copy. Pay attention to the layout, visuals, and overall structure, as your content should complement and enhance the user experience.

Word count:

Different pages on your website may require different word counts. For the homepage, aim for 300-500 words to provide a concise yet engaging introduction to your business. Services pages can be more detailed, while blog posts can vary depending on the topic and purpose.

Make sure you include your focus keywords in your copy:

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is crucial for driving organic search traffic to your website. Include relevant keywords related to your business throughout your copy, ensuring it remains informative and educational for your readers.

Making sure your content is original:

Avoid copying content from Wikipedia or your competitors’ websites. Google penalises duplicate content, considering it plagiarism. Create unique and original content that reflects your brand’s voice and values.

Include headings, subheadings, and calls to action:

Organise your paragraphs with clear headings and subheadings. This helps readers navigate your content easily and improves readability. Additionally, use effective calls to action (CTAs) to guide visitors towards desired actions on your website eg. Contact us!

Clearly communicate your business’s mission and vision:

Great copywriting tells the story of your business, allowing readers to emotionally connect with your brand. Authentically communicate your mission and vision, and highlight what sets your business apart from others.

Focus on your customer, not on yourselves:

Shift the focus from your business to your customers. Your copy should highlight how you can help them and address their pain points. Limit the use of words like “we,” “ours,” and “our” in comparison to “you” and “yours” to ensure customer-centric messaging.


Pay attention to grammar and language usage. Ensure your language settings are appropriate for your target audience, whether it’s British English or American English. Proper grammar enhances professionalism and credibility.


If you have a team writing your content, establish a tone of voice document to ensure consistent language and messaging across your website. Consistency helps build brand identity and establishes trust with your audience.

Focus on the benefits, not the features:

While features and benefits are interconnected, try to emphasise the benefits your product or service provides. Customers are more likely to be driven by the emotional impact and value they will gain rather than just the technical specifications.

Provide a permanent hub of resources:

Consider creating a dedicated section on your website to provide valuable resources to your audience. This can include guides, tutorials, whitepapers, or any other content that adds value and establishes your expertise in your industry.

Writing website copy doesn’t have to be a hassle. By following these 12 tips, you can streamline the process and create compelling content that engages your audience, drives traffic, and helps your business thrive online. Remember to stay authentic, and customer-focused, and consistently deliver high-quality content throughout your website.