The reasons you need to have a responsive site

responsive site

More and more people are using the internet through their handheld devices, but many sites still aren’t optimized for different screen ratios. The best way to address this need is with a responsive site. Responsive design is the simplest and most effective way to create a mobile-friendly website that will work properly on all devices.

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive Web Design is a method of developing a website in such a way that the website provides a customized and seamless viewing experience across a wide range of devices, from mobile phones to desktop computers. The sites are designed to increase ease of reading and navigation with a minimum of scrolling, resizing, and panning.

Benefits of Responsive Website Design

Improved SEO Results

The advantages of responsive web design are that it improves the search engine rank. As of April 2015, Google takes into consideration the responsiveness of your website as one of the signals that determine the rank of your website on the search engine results page.

Improved User Experience

A responsive website leads to a better user experience. If your website scales and responds to the change in screen size, then the visitors won’t have problems accessing menus, links, buttons or filling out forms. As a result, their user experience will be better and they’ll spend more time on your site.

Better Website Performance

Responsive websites reduce the loading time for your pages. This not only improves your SEO results but also provides a better user experience. Responsive websites save time, and money, and save the development effort of creating another website or app for smaller devices.

Lower Website Maintenance Costs

Responsive design reduces the costs associated with maintaining your website. This is due to the fact that it takes much more time to run multiple versions of your website than it does to run a single version.

Lower Bounce Rates

Mobile versions of websites can suffer from a high bounce rate if the content they provide is too stripped down, or too different from the content offered on the desktop version. Visitors will be more inclined to click through and read other pages on your site and explore everything you’ve got to offer.

Social Media Increases Mobile Visitors

Over 55% of social media consumption now happens on mobile devices, so sharing links from social media sites like, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram to your website will mean even more traffic and viewing of your website from mobile devices.

Blog post by Riturmi

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